TCP/IP Resources List

From: (Raz Uri )
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip,comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc,comp.sys.mac.comm,comp.dcom.wan,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: TCP/IP Resources List
Followup-To: comp.protocols.tcp-ip
Date: 17 Apr 1999 09:44:39 GMT
Organization: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Message-ID: <7f9l67$e6d$>
Summary: This posting contains a list of various resources (books,
         web sites, FAQs, and useful net techniques) intended to help
         a newbie to learn about the TCP/IP suite of protocols.

Posting-Frequency: every two weeks 
Copyright: (c) 1996-1999 Uri Raz
Maintainer: Uri Raz <>
Last-modified: 12/Apr/1999
Archive-Name: internet/tcp-ip/resource-list

 This posting contains a list of various resources (books, web sites, 
 FAQS, newsgroups, and useful net techniques) intended to help a newbie 
 to learn about the TCP/IP suite of protocols.

 I have written this document over the last few years. Yet, I could not 
 have made this document without the assistance of other people. I would,
 therefore, like to thank to Andrew Gierth, Trevor Jenkins, Mark Daugherty,
 Michael Hunter, David Peter, Erick Engelke, Jose Carrilho, Jose Carrilho,
 Al Vonkeman, Zia R. Siddiqui, Jarle Aase, Daryl Banttari, Daniel K. Kim,
 and Brian Schwarz who helped me in many ways, and to all the people who
 worked to produce all the materials listed in this document, worked to
 produce all the materials listed in this and made it's writing possible.

 This article is available as a web page at :

 This article is available via FTP at :

 *                                                                        *
 *  If you have any comments, addition suggestions, corrections, etc,     *
 *  to the article itself, please send them to me at the technion.        *
 *              My email address is     * 
 *                                                                        *
 *  If you have any questions about TCP/IP in general, which are not      *
 *  directly related to this article, please post them to an appropriate  *
 *  newsgroup, as my time is limited, and as it will serve you better.    *
 *                                                                        *
 *  WARNING : job offers from outside Israel will be treated as spam.     *
 *                                                                        *

 1. Books

  Richard Stevens' TCP/IP illustrated.
  Published by Addison-Wesley.
   Volume 1 - describes the TCP/IP protocols.
               ISBN 0-201-63346-9
   Volume 2 - describes the TCP/IP stack as implemented in 4.4BSD-Lite,
              at the source code level.
               ISBN 0-201-63354-X.
   Volume 3 - describes HTTP, NNTP, and more.
               ISBN 0-201-63495-3

  Richard Steven's UNIX Network Programming.
  Published by Prentice Hall.
   Described here is the 2nd edition of the book.
   The 1st edition (ISBN 0-13-949876-1) will be sold until the third
   volume of of the 2nd edition will be out.
    Volume 1 - "Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI".
               Describes UNIX network programming in & out, including
               a lot of code examples, covering IPv4 & IPv6, sockets
               and XTI, TCP & UDP, raw sockets, programming techniques,
               multicasting & broadcasting, and what not. The best
               TCP/IP programming book around, IMHO. 
                ISBN 0-13-490012-X 
    Volume 2 - "Interprocess Communications".
                ISBN 0-13-081081-9
    Volume 3 - "Applications"
                Name is probable, to be published.
  Douglas Comer's Internetworking with TCP/IP.
  Published by Prentice-Hall.
   Volume 1 - describes the TCP/IP protocols, architecture and principles.
               ISBN 0-13-216987-8
   Volume 2 - describes a TCP/IP implementation (with C code),
               implemented on the XINU operating system.
               ISBN 0-13-125527-4
   Volume 3 - describes network programming, and has a sockets version
               (ISBN 0-13-260969-X), a TLI version (ISBN 0-13-260977-0),
               and a winsock version (ISBN 0-13-848714-6)

  TCP/IP Explained
   By Philip Miller
   Published by Digital Press
   ISBN 1-55558-166-8
    A fine book about TCP/IP, covering all the layers, starting with an
    overview of the lowest 2 OSI layers, through IP(+ICMP), UDP, TCP,
    routing (RIP + OSPF + EGP + BGP), broadcasting and multicasting,
    DNS, SNMP, several apps (FTP, Telnet, SMTP, ...), with chapters
    about IPv6 and Internet Security. The book is readable, with lots
    of diagrams and packet trace decodes. Some points missing, such
    as TCP congestion avoidance. 
  Troubleshooting TCP/IP - Analyzing the Protocols of the Internet
   By Mark A. Miller
   Published by M & T Books
   ISBN 1-55851-450-3
    A good troubleshooting guide, with good explanations of most protocols,
    starting from network layer, through ARP, DNS, routing, and up to the
    applications, including SMTP, FTP, and TELNET. Coverage includes SNMP,
    ATM, IPv6. Case studies, included for every subject, include sniffer
    output and explanations.

  High-Speed Networks: TCP/IP and ATM Design Principles
   By William Stallings
   Published by Prentice-Hall
   ISBN 0-13-525965-7
    This book explains how to design high-speed networks (ATM, 100 Mbps &
    Gbps ethernet) intended to carry high volume data (WWW, still images,
    video on demand, etc). Coverage includes explanation of ATM and Fast &
    Gigabit Ethernet, the mathematical background needed for performance
    analysis, traffic management (IP & ATM), routing, and compression. 

  TCP/IP: Architecture, Protocols, and Implementation with IPv6 and IP Security
   By Sidnie Feit
   Published by McGraw-Hill
   ISBN  0-07-021389-5
    This book covers TCP/IP in one volume, starting from the physical layer,
    through IP, UDP & TCP, the various applications (WWW, mail, etc) to
    network management.

  SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON1 and RMON2
   By William Stallings
   Published by Addison-Wesley
   ISBN 0-201-48534-6
    An encyclopedic book about SNMP & RMON. Covers the material in depth
    and clarity, giving good background of the subject.

  Networking with Microsoft TCP/IP
   By Drew Heywood
   Published by New Riders
   ISBN 1-562-05713-8
    An excellent book about management of Microsoft Windows TCP/IP networks,
    starting from the basics of explaining networking technologies, through
    installation of TCP/IP on DOS and all MS Windows versions, routing,
    managing (DHCP, WINS, DNS), troubleshooting, IIS & FrontPage.
  TCP/IP Network Administration
   By Craig Hunt.
   Published by O'Reilly
   ISBN 0-937175-82-X
    An excellent book about management of TCP/IP networks, covering every
    subject that needed, including DNS, routing, sendmail, configuring,
    and trouble-shooting. This book is UNIX oriented.

  Networking Personal Computers with TCP/IP - Building TCP/IP Networks
   By Craig Hunt
   Published by O'Reilly
   ISBN 1-56592-123-2
    A good book about management of TCP/IP networks, which is PC oriented,
    covering DOS, Windows, Windows-95, and Windows-NT.

  Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 days.
   By Timothy Parker
   Published by SAM'S Publishing.
   ISBN 0-672305-49-6
    This book is intended for network managers, and gives an overview of
    TCP/IP from ground up, in a short schedule.

  PPP Design and Debugging
   By James Carlson
   Published by Addison-Wesley
   ISBN 0-201-18539-3
    An excellent book about PPP. This compact book is packed with info
    about PPP, covering it in both depth and width, covering LCP,
    negotiation & authentication, network layer protocols, bandwidth
    management, etc, including trace interpretation, C code & pseudo 
    code, and lots of resources and references. 

  NOSintro -- TCP/IP over Packet Radio 
  (An Introduction to the KA9Q Network Operating System)
   By Ian Wade
   Published by Dowermain
   ISBN 1-897649-00-2
    NOSintro describes in detail how to use Phil Karn's KA9Q Network
    Operating System, and is a classic reference work in this area. 
    It includes full information on how to install & configure KA9Q,
    and how to make it work in a packet radio environment.
    The book is very well illustrated, with many diagrams & hands-on
    examples of keyboard commands.
    Extracts from the book are available at
  IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
   By Christian Huitema
   Published by Prentice-Hall.
   ISBN 0-13-850505-5
    This book, written by Christian Huitema - a member of the Internet
    Architecture Board, gives an excellent description of IPv6, how
    it differs from IPv4, and the hows and whys of it's development.

  Unix Network Programming
   By W. Richard Stevens
   Published by Prentice-Hall
   ISBN 0-13-949876
    Obsoleted by the second edition, to be covered soon.

  Unix System V. Network Programming
   By Steven A. Rago
   Published by Addison-Wesley
   ISBN 0-201-56318-5
    This books gives a good coverage of UNIX network programming.
    Though it is centered around SVR4, it covers many subjects,
    including STREAMS, TLI, sockets, RPC, and kernel level
    communications, including ethernet & SLIP drivers.

  The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System.
   By Marshall Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels 
    and John S. Quarterman.
   Published by Addison-Wesley.
   ISBN 0-201-54979-4
    This book describes the internals of the 4.4 BSD operating system,
    including the Net/2 TCP/IP stack implementation. A good explanation
    of the most commonly used implementation of TCP/IP.

  Linux Kernel Internals
   By M. Beck, H. Bohme, M. Dziadzka, U. Kunitz, R. Magnus,
    and D. Verworner.
   Published by Addison-Wesley
   ISBN 0-201-33143-8
    This book describes the internals of the Linux operating system,
    version 2.0, with a chapter devoted to the TCP/IP stack.

  Windows Sockets Network Programming
   By Bob Quinn and Dave Shute
   Published by Addison-Wesley
   ISBN 0-201-63372-8
    An excellent book about winsock programming, with chapters about porting
    apps from BSD Unix & sockets, DLLs, debugging, and nice appendice.

    The two following books are not directly related to TCP/IP, but are
    recommended as good books for windows programmer who write TCP/IP
    clients & servers, and are complementary to the above book :

     1. Win32 Network Programming
        By Ralph Davis
        Published by Addison-Wesley
        ISBN 0-201-48930-9
         This book shows programmers how to build networked apps
         using the 32-bit features of Win95 and NT, and includes
         a floppy with all the examples' code.

     2. Multithreading Applications in Win32
        By Jim Beveridge and Robert Wiener
        Published by Addison-Wesley
        ISBN 0-201-44234-5
         This book shows developers how, when and where to us>

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