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Web Resources (General)

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Design Guides

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HTML Guides and Tutorials

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HTML Specifications

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Cascading Style Sheets

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SGML Resources

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Media and Multimedia

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VRML and Things Virtual

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Software and shareware

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Helper Apps, Viewers, and Utilities

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Background Textures and Colors

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Offline Browsing

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Data pushers
  • AirMedia Live
    With an AirMedia Live wireless receiver and AirMedia Live Software, you're linked to the AirMedia Live Internet Broadcast Network.
  • Welcome to the BackWeb Site
    Sign up now for any of our more than 30 hot new channels and start receiving the information you want today!
  • FreeLoader, Inc.
    The new FreeLoader 2.5 is the only Web news and information broadcast network that delivers personalized news and customized Web content directly to your PC. The result? The Web is suddenly lightning fast, organized and easy.
  • FirstFloor: Delivering on the promise of the Web
    FirstFloor provides the web-based platform for the integration of documents and web pages into business applications. Using programmable agents and off-line viewing, FirstFloor's products address the notification and document delivery challenges facing client/server software developers today.
  • Intermind Homepage
    Personalized information delivery. Intermind Communicator empowers anyone to easily send or receive multimedia Internet/intranet content via intelligent channels
  • Welcome to Lanacom Inc.
    Lanacom Headliner is a client-based software application that delivers and manages information from both the World Wide Web and corporate intranets.
  • Marimba, Inc.
    Castanet is a new technology for the distribution of channels over the Internet and Intra-net. Each channel can be a stand-alone Java application, a Java applet, or a Web site. Channels are stored locally, and can be used repeatedly without waiting for them to reload every time.
  • What is the PointCast Network?
    PointCast is your window to the world. Up-to-the-minute news throughout the day, all day, everyday!
  • Wayfarer Incisa: Information At Work
    INCISA is an Intranet Webcasting solution for businesses that empowers managers to "push" relevant information to employee desktops.

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Business Information Resources

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Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
  • Information Provision Ethics; copy the message subscribe web-ethics and send to this listserver.
  • Acrobat/PDF listserve; copy the message SUBSCRIBE PDF-L Your name your_ID@your_domain and send to this listserver.
  • Copyright issues discussion group; copy the message subscribe cni-copyright your_real_name and send to this listserver.
  • HTML authoring discussion; copy the message subscribe html-list your_real_name and send to this listserver.
  • HTML/WWW Developers; copy the message subscribe wwwdev (your name) and send to this listserver.
  • SGML discussion; copy the message subscribe SGML-L (your name) and send to this listserver.
  • SGML discussion; copy the message subscribe comp-std-sgml your_real_name and send to this listserver.
  • Usability issues discussion group; copy the message subscribe utest your_real_name and send to this listserver.
  • Web design discussion group; copy the message subscribe web-design you@your.domain (your name) and send to this listserver.

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Electronic Commerce

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The Intranet

Intranet Directories

Companies and ConsultantsArticles and White Papers

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Internet Telephony

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Compiled by Senthil SenthilSSS@Yahoo.com
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